Hill Top Home of Comfort encourages residents to get involved in daily, monthly or special events and activities. Residents do not have to, but it does help become part of the community, develop friendships and remain active and motivated during their stay.

Our loving staff provides TLC programs, music, art, intergenerational and bedside activities geared to all levels of participation.

Just some of our reoccurring special events include Happy Hour, Monthly Birthday Parties and Bingo.

We enjoy having a resident’s family and friends participate as well; so don’t hesitate to come be part of the community.

If you have any questions about activities at Hill Top Home of Comfort, please call 
701-764-5682 or email  at activitydirector@hthc.org.

The activities department will help you keep in touch in many different ways with your special family  member at Hill Top. If you live far away, please feel free to send frequent emails that we can share with the resident. Please send an email to: residents@hthc.org and remember to add the resident's name in the subject line so we get it to him or her right away.
                                                         SPECIAL GUESTS: 

Want to keep in touch with your loved one in a special way? Set up a time with the front office to SKYPE with a resident?

Please Call the Activity Department at

701-764-5682 to set up a time.